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C Bavister


December Ramblings

Well, the daffodils have come and gone, the pets and I have survived another Guy Fawkes night and the neighbourhood's children are still coming down from the sugar rush of Halloween. The end of the year, with the Christmas pantomime and the summer B-B-Qs with endless sausages and steak, that are too tough to chew, in front of us.  It was great to see you at our Christmas lunch - and not a sausage in sight. 

Just a reminder for those who will be travelling to or from Wellington, the Desert Road will be closed from January 13th for seven weeks. If you are travelling allow another hour to travel the scenic route around the mountain. Check the NZTA Journey Planner website on the day of travel about details.

Keep safe this summer break, enjoy family time, keep pets out of the sun; keep them and us, including the garden well watered and read a lot of books.

For those of you who a have a heat pump, now is the time to switch the setting to “Snowflake”. Run it an hour or so before going to bed to cool the bedroom to help you fall asleep.

Oh, just in case you missed it above, our office staff deserve a well earned break as well. They have done a jolly good job to serve our members. They will be back at your service from 11 February 2025 onwards again.

See you all next year then. ​



Eat Low Carbon

As we come up to the festive season, a lot of us eat a lot of yummy food. If we steer our meals toward low carbon food, we are not only helping our waste line, but the environment as well.

Around a quarter of the average New Zealand carbon footprint is related to food and drink. The greenhouse gas emissions from food production include carbon emissions from the energy used to grow, process, store and transport food, as well as methane emissions from agriculture. Food waste sent to landfill also creates methane emissions.  

Some easy rules of thumb for a low-carbon diet: 

  • eat local 

  • eat in season 

  • eat more plant-based foods 

  • compost your food waste

Pegasus Health

Keeping Yourself and Others Well these Holidays

  • If you feel unwell, it’s best to stay at home or wherever you are on holiday. Please avoid traveling, attending gatherings, or taking part in activities. If you are feeling sick, stay away from people who have a greater risk of becoming severely ill, such as babies, older adults, and people with suppressed immune systems or disabilities.

  • If you experience cold, flu, or COVID-19 symptoms, we encourage you to take a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) and report the results in My COVID Record. If the result is positive, you will receive the support and advice you need.

  • If you’re concerned about catching an illness, consider limiting the amount of time you spend in enclosed, crowded, or confined spaces. Wearing a mask that fits well can decrease your risk of contracting illness in crowded spaces. When visiting healthcare facilities, we highly recommend wearing a mask to protect those who are most vulnerable.

  • Please maintain healthy habits by washing your hands frequently with warm soapy water for 20 seconds, or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or your elbow. Then, dispose of the tissue in a bin and sanitise/wash your hands.

  • It is essential to clean surfaces and objects regularly — especially those that are frequently touched. Additionally, let fresh air in by opening windows and doors when you’re inside.

  • Please take your medication, such as preventers for asthma or allergies, as prescribed, ensuring you stay well and avoid flare-ups.

  • We encourage each of you to check in frequently on family, neighbors, and friends, particularly those who live alone, or who are at a higher risk of getting very sick.

  • Protect your skin and eyes from the sun’s harmful rays by being SunSmart: Slip, Slop, Slap, and Wrap. Check your local sun protection alerts every day by visiting

  • The safety of popular swimming sites across the motu is tested for harmful levels of bacteria or cyanobacteria (toxic algae) each summer. When heading out for a swim at your favorite lake, river, or beach, look for water quality signs or visit the Land, Air, Water Aotearoa (LAWA) website’s “Can I Swim Here?” section for the most up-to-date information.

  • If you, or someone in your whānau, need advice or help, such as if you feel unwell or get injured, please contact your local GP, urgent care clinic, pharmacy, or hauora provider. You may also call Healthline at 0800 611 116, and book a virtual, online consultation with a New Zealand-based provider at Healthinfo or Healthify. In an emergency, please dial 111 or go directly to your local hospital emergency department.

  • Please find local healthcare services by visiting Healthpoint

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